Hello everyone, unfortunately, I have bad news, which is that I have been informed that the classics PhD program at the University of Washington has made their two offers of funding for this year to other applicants. I am on the waitlist for funding, but I don’t know where I am on the list at present. Neither of the offer holders for funding this year has officially accepted their offer yet, but, based on what I’ve been told, it sounds like all signs indicate that they will both most likely accept. I cannot afford to accept my offer of admission to the program without funding. Meanwhile, so far, none of the seven other PhD programs I applied to this year have made me any offers of admission and, at this point, it is late enough in the season that it seems unlikely that any of them will, so the unfunded offer for UW is most likely the only one I will receive this year.
Thus, unless something unexpectedly good happens, it appears most likely that, yet again, I will not be going into a PhD program this year. This is my third time applying to PhD programs in classics and ancient history and I haven’t gotten in anywhere any time I have applied. I doubt that it would be worth applying a fourth time, since my odds won’t be much better next year than this year. This most likely means that I will not be going into a PhD program at all. By this point, I know enough about the application process to understand that a lot of random and arbitrary factors influence these decisions, that it is mostly a matter of luck, and that it is not in any way a reflection on my talent or abilities, but that doesn’t do much to change how I feel.
Becoming a professor of the classics has been my dream ever since I was in middle school and it is what I have (very foolishly) built all my plans and life decisions around for roughly the past thirteen years. I have known for a long time that it was very unlikely that I could achieve that dream given the current state of the academic job market. Now it appears that the dream is definitely over. As you can all probably imagine, I feel very disappointed, frustrated, and disillusioned about this whole process, about academia, and about the world in general. I planned to make this post a week ago after I first found out, but I’ve put it off until now out of shame and embarrassment.
Continue reading “Update (February 28th, 2025)”