The Motivations behind Human Sacrifice

For people today, the fact that so many peoples throughout history have practiced human sacrifice seems absolutely baffling and horrifying. We tend to think of human sacrifice as the ultimate act of barbarism, an act that epitomizes everything savage and uncivilized about our species. Nonetheless, it is important for us to understand why people have historically engaged in this practice.

Human sacrifice has occurred in virtually every part of the world at some point in time and has occurred in some part of the world during every historical time period. Thus, whether we like it or not, understanding the motivations behind human sacrifice is a part of understanding what it means to be human.

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Ancient Greek Misogyny

The ancient Greeks have a reputation for being great thinkers and innovators. I have written about Greek achievements many times before and I even discuss them at length in this article from March 2019. Unfortunately, ancient Greek society was also, in many ways, deeply flawed. Notably, misogynistic attitudes towards women were extremely common, especially among elite educated men.

Lengthy tirades about the supposed “evils” of women that even the most avowed sexist today would fear to say outright in public absolutely inundate ancient Greek literature. These tirades are practically ubiquitous; they even occur in some of the oldest and most revered works of classical Greek literature. In this article, I will quote some of these passages—not because I think the opinions in them are in any way correct or justified, but rather to illustrate one hateful aspect of ancient Greek civilization.

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No, Throwing Apples at People Was Not Considered a “Marriage Proposal” in Ancient Greece

Internet memes are a notoriously unreliable source of information about the historical past. It should therefore come as little surprise to most people that a popular meme in widespread circulation on the internet claiming that throwing apples at people was “considered a marriage proposal” in ancient Greece is largely inaccurate. It may come as a surprise, though, that this meme actually does have some remote grounding in factual reality and—as is often the case—the truth is far stranger and more fascinating than the fiction. While it is true that the ancient Greeks had no custom of proposing marriage by pelting someone with apples, throwing apples was really considered a ploy at seduction.

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The Bizarre Origins of the Word Idiot

The 2016 election cycle in the United States has been one of the most bitter and divisive in recent memory. Both of the candidates—Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) and Donald J. Trump (R)—are regarded as so thoroughly unlikeable in every way that many people are outright refusing to vote for either of them. If you decide not to vote in this election, though, you are an idiot. I do not necessarily mean you are unintelligent or even ignorant for that matter; I merely mean that you are an idiot.

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