How Vaccines Were Really Invented

I am greatly pleased to say that I am finally in the process of being vaccinated for COVID-19, since Indiana University (the university I am currently attending) has a huge stockpile of vaccines reserved for students. I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 8 April 2021 and I am scheduled to receive my second dose on 29 April. Since lots of people like me are now receiving the vaccine for COVID-19, I decided that now would be a good time to write an article about the history of vaccines.

The story that most people have been told is that Edward Jenner, a white English man, single-handedly invented the very first vaccine—a vaccine for smallpox—in 1796. The reality, though, is much more complicated. Notably, many people are not aware of the fact that Jenner’s vaccine was an improvement on the much older procedure of inoculation, which originally independently developed in at least three different parts of the world (in China, West Africa, and the Ottoman Empire) and only later spread to Europe and the Americas through a process of cultural diffusion.

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Plague Doctor Costumes Were Actually a Good Idea

There are a lot of unfortunate misconceptions out there about the infamous bird-beaked costume worn by plague doctors. One misconception is that this costume was worn during the Middle Ages. Another misconception is that the costume was supposed to protect the doctor by “scaring” the disease away. Another misconception is that the costume was totally ineffective.

In reality, the plague doctor costume was only invented in the seventeenth century and the beak was supposed to protect the doctor by supposedly filtering infectious vapors from the air he breathed, not by “scaring” the disease. Plague doctor costumes were undoubtedly flawed, partly due to limited understanding of how disease was spread and partly due to technological limitations, but the idea behind them was actually a good one and they probably did provide doctors with some degree of protection from the plague.

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